Reduce impact on nearby communities
Thanks to DaveyTronic® OP
Mineração Vitória, located in Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco, Brazil, engages in the extraction and refining of non-metallic minerals such as granite. With urban growth near the mine, the community has started expressing concerns about vibrations resulting from blasting operations. Additionally, there have been questions about the possibility of rock projection during the blasting process.
To develop a series of solutions for the blasting process to enhance both the safety of operations and the relationship with the local community.
Customer testimonial
“After using the electronic detonator, we were able to reduce noise and vibration.
Since May 2023, we have not received any more complaints about vibrations from the neighboring community.
We even saw a slight reduction in blocks resulting from the blasting.” – Leonardo Lira, Mining Technician of Mineração Vitória.
As a strategic partner, Enaex worked to find solutions that would reduce the effects of blasting on the community. The Enaex team assessed the situation and implemented technical solutions to minimize the vibrations generated by detonations.
For this purpose, it applied the DaveyTronic® OP electronic initiation system, which offers high precision, reliability, and safety, as well as enabling greater vibration control. The solution was combined with the use of the RockRivet device in hole stemming, which helps prevent contamination of the explosive with stemming material and optimizes its energy capacity.
In addition to prioritizing the safety and well-being of the community, the solution adopted also helped maximize the mine’s productivity, thus meeting all of the company’s needs.