Improve your mine-to-mill process


Mine-to-mill improvements can be implemented at any stage. Nevertheless, drilling accuracy is a practical anchor for a structured continuous improvement process in any operating mine or quarry.


We want to enhance fragmentation results in improved secondary fragmentation.


Recent research suggests that drilling accuracy plays a critical role in mine-to-mill improvements. By educating drilling crews on the downstream impact of their work, including costs, and supporting them in striving for higher accuracy, we create a culture of motivation for continuous improvement.

O-Pitdev is a solution for measuring borehole deviations in quarries and mines. 

O-Pitdev features cutting-edge technology for faster and more precise measurement readings. It comes connected to an exclusive application that immediately uploads the readings, giving the user direct access to the data collected.

Your preferred blasting solutions partner

Access our success stories to learn how we humanise mining through people-first, tailor-made blasting solutions.

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