Success Story - Case Study: SAG mill grinding media optimization without risks


This Canadian gold mine was investigating avenues to reduce ongoing ball breakage issues with their previous supplier’s 5” grinding media. To alleviate these challenges, Magotteaux actively discussed the possibility of supplying both forged grinding media for the primary mill and high-chrome media for the regrind mill. After addressing the customer’s concerns and establishing the quality, availability, and price of Magotteaux grinding media, the customer decided to switch to Magotteaux solutions for both of their grinding mills. As a result, the previous supplier’s breakage issue was resolved by implementing our Magotteaux mining high-impact grinding media forged.


A mill study determined the running conditions and whether “high-impact” resistant grinding balls were required. Mill technical data was collected and grinding conditions were simulated. The ideal ball with the optimal hardness and composition for the application was defined through these tests in combination with Magotteaux proprietary models and databases.


Magotteaux’s forged quality led to a remarkable decrease in breakage and deformations, due to its elevated wear and impact resistance capabilities. Through routine charge inspections to quantify the number of broken balls, Magotteaux confirmed a significant reduction in damages, improving milling efficiency. Overall, the customer was very satisfied with the product quality and the impact on their operations.

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